Policy Brief 2: Ending Child Marriage in Muslim Family Laws

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‘Policy Brief 2: Ending Child Marriage in Muslim Family Laws’ outlines the case for reform to raise the minimum age of marriage to 18 for girls and boys. Child marriage—where at least one spouse is under the age of 18—is harmful to children’s health, safety, education, employment, and overall well-being. It perpetuates poverty, violence, and discrimination. It impedes economic and social development.
Child marriage must be eliminated to halt the devastating effects it has on children and their families and communities. Some governments and religious authorities say their laws cannot be changed for religious reasons. But Islamic teachings support raising the minimum age of marriage to 18 for both boys and girls. In fact, several countries have already reformed their laws by raising the minimum age of marriage and making it equal for boys and girls. States have a duty to protect vulnerable children and our societies from harm, and must act to raise the minimum age of marriage to 18 for girls and boys. It is time to end child marriage in Muslim family laws.
ورقة سياسات رقم 2:” القضاء على زواج الأطفال في قوانين الأسرة المسلمة”
يُلحق زواج الأطفال، حيث يكون أحد الأطراف، على الأقل، دون الثامنة عشر من العمر، ضررًا بالغًا، بصحة الأطفال وسلامتهم وتعليمهم و مصلحتهم بصفةٍ عامة
لا بد من القضاء على زواج الأطفال حتى نوقِف تبعاته المدمرة على الأطفال وأُسرهم ومجتمعاتهم. ترى بعض الدول والمؤسسات الدينية استحالة تغيير القوانين لأسباب دينية، ولكننا نجد أن تعاليم الإسلام تدعم فكرة رفع الحد الأدنى للزواج للذكور والإناث إلى ثمانية عشر عامًا. بل ونجد أن بعض الدول قد أدخلت بالفعل إصلاحات على قوانينها، برفع سن الزواج وجعله نفس السن للذكور والإناث على حدٍ سواء
In This Series:
- Policy Brief 1: Why Muslim Family Law Reform? Why Now?
- Policy Brief 2: Ending Child Marriage in Muslim Family Laws
- Policy Brief 3: Ending Polygamy in Muslim Marriages
- Policy Brief 4: Equal Divorce Rights in Muslim Family Laws
- Policy Brief 5: Fair and Just Financial Rights Upon Divorce
- Policy Brief 6: Upholding the Best Interests of the Child in Custody and Guardianship
- Policy Brief 7: Marriage as a Partnership of Equals
- Policy Brief 8: Ending Violence Against Women in Muslim Families
- Policy Brief 9: Supporting Just and Harmonious Marriages Through Marriage Contracts