Consent into Marriage / Forced Marriage
Consent to marry
Regardless of their age, both prospective brides and grooms must consent to the marriage.​ ​Consequently, ​ijbar ​marriages are prohibited.
The law specifically prohibits a guardian (wali) from compelling a minor under his guardianship to marry nor may he give her in marriage to anyone without her consent.
The law specifically forbids a woman’s ​wali​ to compel her to marry.
The law specifically provides that the ​wali may only conclude a woman’s marriage with her consentand makes it an offence for any person to use force to compel a person to marry.
The law specifically prohibits relatives and non-relatives from forcing any person, whether female or male, to marry.
​It is an offence for any person to use force to coerce or compel a person to marry.
The law specifically requires a minor to consent to a marriage.
The law specifically provides that the ​wali may only conclude a woman’s marriage with her consent.
Mandatory Registration of Marriage
The official registration of marriages is mandatory.