In Tier 1 countries
India, Maldives, Malaysia, Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland
Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Bahrain
Legislative, procedural change on MFL

Amendments to provisions in law on at least one MFL issue, changes in procedures on family law & effective enforcement. Government- led awareness raising campaigns on MFL issues

Significant government commitment to reform – setting up reform committees, MFL reform included in government plans and budgets, lifting of CEDAW reservations on Article 16, ratifying CEDAW if not ratified, and others.

Governments proactively to include women activists and women’s groups as key actors in reform efforts.
In Tier 2 countries
Thailand, Nepal, Indonesia, Bangladesh
Kenya, South Africa
Iraq, Lebanon
Visible & active movements

Active groups pushing for reform at least on MFL issue (clear asks, calls to action)

Governments show interest, some commitment towards reform (researching, collecting data, consultations with women’s groups).