On the occasion of International Women’s Day the ‘Standing for Justice’ – Digital Activism Series presents Episode 3: Fearless Feminist Futures – Young Muslim Women in Activism in South and South-East Asia | 8th March 2022 at 4pm India, 6:00 PM Kuala Lumpur.
What are issues that young Muslim women are concerned about, angered by and want to take action on? How are they having conversations, using digital tools and organising for change both online and offline? How have current movements been impacted by powerful inter-generational Muslim women’s movements before us?
The Speakers:
Dea Safira is a feminist writer, content creator and also a dentist living in Jakarta. She founded Indonesia Feminis, an online platform that focuses on making feminism accessible and as a room to discuss current women’s issues. She is also running a monthly feminist book club and a meet-up every now and then to talk about women’s rights and movements. She has released two books titled Killing the Ghosts of Patriarchy (membunuh hantu-hantu patriarki) and Before Women Make Love (sebelum perempuan bercinta).
Nabeela Iqbal is a youth activist with volunteering experience in peacebuilding, civic engagement and girls’ non-formal education. She founded Sisterhood Initiative- a voluntary group working towards creating platforms for Muslim women to engage in discussions. In the year 2020, she was recognized by Amnesty International and the UN Office of the Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth as a young human rights defender in the face of the pandemic.
Nurhuda Ramli is a programme officer, at Outreach and Empowerment Unit, Sisters in Islam. She was a graduate from International Islamic University Malaysia, in Arabic Language and Literature Studies. Her area of research and work is Islam, Islamism, gender and language.