About This Resource

Safety online lies at the contours of digital rights, and all people should be able to engage on social media and use digital technologies without any threats to their freedoms, privacy, access and lives in general. However, Muslim Women Human Right Defenders (MWHRDs) continue to experience grave forms of violence and threats due to their activism. As such ‘(In)Visible’ was conducted to identify and understand the needs, challenges and opportunities for bolstering the digital safety of MWHRDs in order to recommend long-term actionable strategies for Muslim organizations working on family law reforms, movements and activists in the Greater Horn of Africa (GHoA) region.

The report, a collaboration between Pollicy and Musawah, sought to document the landscape of risks from stakeholders and promote the use of sustainable risk-mitigation measures and mobilise the relevant pushback against patriarchal structures and hegemonies.

Besides the full report, you can also download the executive summary here.


Advocates, Musawah, Other


Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda


Other Resources, Publications


