Musawah hosted a webinar titled ‘Why Muslim Family Law Reform? Why Now? Regional Perspectives,’ featuring Hala Al-Karib of SIHA Network, and Marwa Sharafeldin and Zainah Anwar of Musawah, moderated by Hyshyama Hamin of Musawah and MPLRAG.
Many countries at the bottom of various gender equality surveys are those whose family laws discriminate against women. Recent research has found that egalitarian family law reform may be the most crucial precondition for empowering women economically. Yet family law reform today remains the most intractable area of law reform.
In this webinar, the speakers unpacked the urgency of reforming discriminatory Muslim family laws in three regions: South and Southeast Asia, Middle East-North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa. They discussed some of the issues, especially in the current context where the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how inequality in the family perpetuates the gendered impacts of the crisis. They also spoke of some of the challenges in each region, and drew inspiration from the collective mobilisation and advocacy efforts of activists towards equality and justice for women living in Muslim contexts.
For the speaker bios, highlights from the moderator, and resources mentioned during the webinar, visit our website:
This webinar is part of Musawah’s Campaign for Justice in Muslim Family Laws, which aims to bring together women’s rights activists, academics and policy makers in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa to create a global momentum for the urgent necessity to end discrimination against women in the family.
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