Musawah Submission to Pre-Sessional Working Group on Bahrain (2013)
معلومات حول هذا المصدر
- زواج الأطفال، الزواج المبكر، والزواج القسري
- Custody and Guardianship of Children
- حقوق الطلاق
- حقوق الميراث والملكية
- Marriage and Spousal Equality
- تعدد الزوجات
- Qiwamah and Wilayah
- العنف ضد المرأة
In July 2013 – Musawah made a submission to the Pre-Sessional Working Group on Bahrain, in the lead-up to its review at the 57th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. It outlines the recommendations and suggestions for the List of Issues and Questions to the Pre-Sessional Working Group on Bahrain.