Compilation of Resources Related to Women’s Rights in Muslim Family Laws

About This Resource
- Child, Early or Forced Marriage
- Custody and Guardianship of Children
- Divorce Rights
- Inheritance or Property Rights
- Marriage and Spousal Equality
- Polygamy
- Qiwamah and Wilayah
- Violence Against Women
The Compilation of Resources outlines and brings together resources from Musawah’s holistic framework – Islamic teachings, universal human rights, national and constitutional guarantees of equality, and the lived realities of women and men – broken down according to specific topics related to women’s rights in Muslim family laws.
Over the past two decades, research and resources on women’s rights and Islam have proliferated from a variety of sources: academic circles, civil society organizations, governmental policy documents, intergovernmental agencies, etc. Yet the richness of the current stage of knowledge often remains unknown or inaccessible to those who seek to engage with advocacy and reform on topics related to these matters but are not familiar with Islamic studies and/or human rights standards. This document provides a pool of resources – including articles, book chapters, reports, videos, and international declarations and conventions – that are self-contained, accessible to non-specialists, and can be used in work related to women’s rights within Muslim family laws.
This tool is designed for activists, human rights experts, and policy makers to better understand and access resources from the academic field and policy arenas.
This compilation is not comprehensive and is a work in progress that is intended to be collectively and regularly updated. It is focused primarily on sources that are available in English. Musawah invites individuals and organizations to provide feedback and suggest additions by contacting us at: